Space Clearing with Essential Oils: A Ritual of Intention

Welcome to the world of space clearing, where the power of intention reigns supreme. In this exploration of space clearing with essential oils, we'll delve into the essence of intention and how to make this ritual uniquely your own.

For me, this journey began with a struggle. The conventional methods of space clearing, such as using Palo Santo wood or dried sage for smoke cleansing, left me feeling ill and disconnected from the process. Despite my efforts, I never experienced the positive shifts I sought when I 'smudged' my home. A few years ago, I decided to completely abandon these practices in search of an alternative that resonated with my needs and sensitivities.

What I discovered was a profound connection with essential oil-based clearing sprays and the use of essential oils in my diffuser. These alternatives provided the cleansing and positive energy I craved without the discomfort.

The Essence of Intention and Rituals

The most important aspect to address in any ritual is how it works through intention. It's not about merely going through the motions; it's about infusing each action with purpose and consciousness. In our case, the intention is to cleanse and protect our energy, and ritual serves as the vehicle for this transformation.

Rituals are a sequence of activities performed in a prescribed, regular ceremony sequence. The reason for this structure is to create a continuous focus on your intention. We aim to influence change and transformation by harnessing our focus through prayers or speaking with intent. The more we immerse ourselves in the intention, the more profound the transformation becomes.

Personalising Your Space Clearing Ritual

Now, let's explore how to make your space clearing ritual your own. Remember, what resonates with you might differ from others, and that's perfectly fine. Here are some suggestions to help you find what aligns best with your energy:

  1. Tune into Your Feelings Begin by considering what makes you feel most aligned with the idea of cleansed and protected energy. This is a unique journey, so take your time and experiment with different options.

  2. Exploration is Key Don't be afraid to explore various rituals, essential oils, or sprays. You might find that a specific scent or method resonates more with your energy cleansing needs.

  3. Pay Attention to Your Body Your body often serves as a powerful guide. Pay attention to how each ritual feels physically. Does it make you feel lighter, more connected, and protected? If so, you're on the right track.

  4. Adapt and Evolve As you continue your space clearing journey, be open to adapting and evolving your ritual. Your needs and intentions might change, so let your practice grow with you.

When it comes to cleansing, I use any sprays or essential oils that smell clean and fresh. It's perfectly acceptable to use what you have on hand. Some ideas include Lemongrass, Cypress, Frankincense, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Lemon Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint, and Sweet Orange. Cleansing your house and yourself is about doing it in the now, not in a few days when you have all the right tools.

These are my top three favourite essential oil based cleansing items

Space Clearing Essential Oil Blend 

One of my favourite cleansing tools is the 'Space Clearing Essential Oil Blend.' This remarkable blend serves as a powerful ally in purifying both yourself and your surroundings. By diffusing this blend, you can effectively cleanse away negative energies, making space for happiness, peace, positivity, love, and abundance to enter.


Calm and Collected Spray, a versatile essential oil based cleansing spray, has firmly secured a spot among my top three favourite cleansing tools . I just spray myself or the room I want cleansed or both!

  1. When you leave work for the day: Use it as a way to transition from work stress to relaxation.

  2. When you feel scattered, irritable, indecisive: Spray to regain your focus and inner calm.

  3. During witching hour (dinner bath bed routine): Create a peaceful atmosphere during the hectic evening routine.

  4. As a room spray: Lighten and refresh the energy of any room, instantly transforming its vibe.

  5. As a pillow mist before bed: Enjoy a tranquil night's sleep by helping your mind switch off.

  6. To cleanse your crystals and crystal jewelry: Maintain the purity of your crystals' energy.

  7. After being in dense public places like supermarkets, department stores, or airports: Rebalance your energy after exposure to crowded or chaotic environments.

  8. Anytime low vibes (negativity and stress) take hold: Use it as a quick reset to bring positivity back into your space.

There is also Calm and Collected Essential Oil Blend that you can diffuse in your rooms.


Another personal favorite of mine is the 'Purify and Protect' spray. This remarkable spray serves as a guardian against the energetic debris we accumulate throughout the day, restoring a sense of peace, harmony, and friendliness to your environment.

This versatile spray can be applied as a body mist or used to cleanse your living spaces. It works exceptionally well in various situations:

  • Space clearing rooms when there has been sickness or discord: An effective way to reset the energy when needed.

  • Cleansing yourself after a challenging day at work: Reclaim your inner balance and positivity.

  • Clearing space after patients or clients leave: Maintain a clean and inviting atmosphere.

  • Cleansing yourself after having visitors in your home: Reset your space after social interactions.

  • Cleansing and clearing anything that feels energetically heavy: A versatile tool for addressing negativity.

  • Using it before another mist to maximize the benefits: Enhance the effectiveness of your cleansing ritual.

There is also a Purify and Protect Essential Oil Blend that you can diffuse in your rooms.


How to Cleanse Your Space

When it comes to cleansing your space with intention, follow these steps to create a ritual that aligns with your energy:

  1. Open Doors and Windows Begin by opening all doors and windows in your space. This allows for the free flow of energy and sets the stage for a thorough cleansing.

  2. Use Clearing Spray or Diffuser You have the choice to either use a Clearing Spray or place Clearing oils in a diffuser. Both methods work effectively to disperse the cleansing energy.

  3. Picture Your Intention As you begin the cleansing process, focus on your intention. If you're clearing negative energy, visualize its density and see it lifting away. If you seek healing, imagine the spray or diffuser mist cleansing any illness or injury. Envision these energies floating out of your space, through the windows or doors, or sinking down into the earth to be absorbed. If it feels right, you can also pray or chant during this phase.

  4. Express Gratitude Upon completion of your cleansing ritual, take a moment to express gratitude to the universe. Acknowledge that your space is now cleared and ready to receive positive energy.

  5. Invite Love and Joy Don't forget to invite love and joy into your newly cleansed space. One way to do this is by diffusing your favorite essential oil blends in your diffuser. Let the pleasant scents fill your home, creating an atmosphere of positivity.

The beauty of this type of cleansing is its flexibility. You can perform it at any time, as often as you need, regardless of your background or culture. It's a practice that adapts to your unique needs and intentions.

If you've been feeling off-kilter or experiencing challenges in your home, consider giving cleansing a try. At the very least, your house will smell delightful after completing the ceremony. But more importantly, you'll have reset the energy in your space, inviting in the positive vibrations you desire.