Clean Ponds, Naturally

Need a safe environmentally friendly way to clean your pond or aquarium?

Clean Ponds Naturally

Clean Ponds Naturally

We have been successfully using Lysofoss for years at Trevallan.

Lysofoss contains selected strains of bacterium that are beneficial for pond and aquarium life.

It contains no chemicals so is completely safe to use with fish and plants.

Lysofoss helps eliminates odours, fights eutrophication, and controls algae blooms in fish ponds, dams and water fowl lagoons.

It can also reduce organic waste and foul odours in septic, grease traps, poultry sheds, aviaries, animal pens, digester ponds, sewers and compost piles.

Lysofoss is a powder and needs to be used regularly for best results.

Trevallan is now stocking 500g and 1kg boxes.