Why do I need Permission to buy that Indoor Plant!

Today I am giving you permission. Permission to buy a plant and if you accidentally kill it, permission to throw it away and not care!

Say what!? I see you all shaking your heads and wringing your hands and wondering what the hell I am on about .....So, I’m going to share a story and maybe you can understand why I’m giving you permission.

The other day I was getting coffee and the coffee shop sold gorgeous bunches of flowers ... so here I was, half asleep pre-coffee and this little blue and this bunch of native flowers just called to me. Just looking at it made me happy and smile, so I thought bugger it, and bought that bunch of flowers.

$25 I spent. Not much, but also not a little.

I came home and proudly displayed that bunch of flowers on my kitchen bench and all week I smiled.

But come that six day mark, something was amiss... moving into the 8th day and I knew it was over. I held on, but ten days later, that was it. That bunch of flowers was long gone. $2.50 a day I had spent to bring me joy and I did not question it all as I’d enjoyed those flowers every day.

This week we got new Calatheas at Trevallan. Unfortunately, my house is too dark to continually grow Calatheas well, so I admired them from afar, unpacked them in-store and walked away. Later, however, I thought of those flowers. How I didn’t question spending money on a bunch of flowers I knew wouldn’t last.


So yesterday afternoon I bought myself a Calathea. I took it home and put it in a spot where it may not even survive. Yet, here’s the thing .... it was cheaper than a bunch of flowers, it will last longer than a bunch of flowers and I will get more joy from it than a bunch of cut flowers. If it dies in three months, so be it. If it gets sick and I can save it, so be it.

I gave myself permission to buy something that will bring me endless joy and I’m not putting a time span on it.

We have the notion that because it's got roots, it has to last forever and when it doesn’t, we see it as our fault. We see ourselves as plant killers. Yet we don’t see ourselves as cut flowers killers!

Sometimes we need to buy a plant just because it brings us immense joy and happiness. Sometimes, just sometimes, we are allowed to buy an indoor plant- not because it’s hardy, not because it’s insta worthy, not because you won’t kill it, but purely for the fact it will bring us immense joy while we have it.

So today I’m giving you permission to buy something that may not last but will bring you immense joy.... so, here’s the million dollar question: What plant are you going to buy?