
Curly leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Curly leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

One fragrant herb I am really fond of using in the garden is parsley.

Parsley I believe is an under used bedding plant. Here we have this amazing herb that can be added to any dish and it smells just so refreshing when the wind blows through it yet we only ever put one plant in our gardens.

I honestly think parsley should be used as a border plant in a garden. It's dark green, lush, exceptionally hardy. Can handle full sun or part shade. Can handle wind and a dry out once established. It prefers nice fertile soil but will grow basically anywhere as long as you give it a good start. Plus you can eat it and if one dies in your border it's easy to replace.

I think it's highly underused as a herb for our herb gardens!

If you pick the leaves regularly it promotes more growth. You should really pick from the outside in.

Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum)

Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum)

If you've had trouble growing parsley in past it could be because you aren't a witch, superstition says only witches could grow parsley and it was best just to steal it from their yard when you needed it. Usually before a night out on the town with friends as it was believed to reduce the effects of alcohol!

Parsley is a great companion plant and will aid the growth of many plants including tomato, beans, onions and asparagus. I read growing parsley under roses enhances their fragrance!

If you want to attract butterflies, parsley is a favourite of the swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. If you let your parsley flower and go to seed, parsley will attract hoverflies to your garden. With some species of hoverflies, the larvae are known to eat aphids, thrips and other destructive insects. Parsley is also believed to repel harmful beetles.

Flower on Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum)

Flower on Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum)

This plant is already looking like the best scented plant. Easy to grow, attracts beneficial insects, makes roses smell better, stops the effects of alcohol.... winning! Best of all though is we can eat it and it makes food taste amazing. I think parsley can be paired with any dish and it will enhance the flavour.

Now there are two types of parsley and I think both are brilliant. So you can use either one for your lush tropical scented border plant.

Curly leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum) with ruffled leaves and Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum) with flat leaves. In general people believe that flat-leaf parsley has a more robust flavour and that curly-leaf parsley tastes more bitter. I honestly think it depends on the particular plant, its growing conditions, and age.

So it doesn't matter which parsley you choose and it doesn't matter if you grow it for the leaves, the flowers, the scent or the taste. It has so many uses in our gardens and our culinary kitchens I think it's a necessary plant for our scented gardens.