Native Ground Cover

The Fanfare range of groundcovers is a must have for your native garden.

Scaevolas are a hardy, low growing plant with lush green foliage all year long. They have striking fan-shaped flowers that cover the bush for most of the year. You can get them in a range of colours - blue, pink, white and yellow.

Scaevolas in a Hanging Basket at Trevallan

This Australian native is heat & drought tolerant and has a trailing and cascading habit making them a great choice for hanging baskets, underplanting under trees in gardens, cascading over retaining walls, in large pots as a glorious spiller as well as being just a great plant for the garden.

Scaevolas suit all style gardens from native gardens to tropical and even cottage gardens.

It seems to handle the cold (not heavy frosts), wind and the heat. It loves free draining soils and hates wet feet. Mulch well and keep slightly dry in summer as it hates humidity. As Scaevolas never stop flowering I find giving them small tip prunes regularly and liquid fertilising with Triple Boost every fortnight keeps them looking fantastic.

While Scaevolas love the sun they can handle a little bit of shade.

Even the bees and butterflies love it!