Maiden Hair

Today I am going to blow your mind with a concept that may shock and surprise you.

Today I am going to talk about one of my all time favourite indoor plants and how I treat it.

Maiden Hairs. I adore them, particularly the common ones and the real frilly leaf ones. I adore the ones that get new, red growth and the ones that don’t. I adore the fat leaf ones and the skinny leaf ones. Basically, I love them all!

A few days ago, I bought myself a new maiden hair and put it on my little office desk, which gets minimal natural light. I have a cute little planter it sits in and every single morning and night, I smile and I touch it.

Maiden hairs.jpg

It brings me so much joy.

Actually, over the last few days that plant has bought me more joy than anything else in my house. I have smiled a 1000 smiles because of that maiden hair.

For less than $15, I have gotten an experience that I usually couldn’t afford.

Now, to be totally honest, that maiden hair probably won't last, as together, we have a terrible track record. They are a plant that some people can grow easily and others will always struggle- I am one of those strugglers, but I don’t care!

This plant was cheaper than a bunch of cut flowers and did I mention I am currently experiencing so much joy that I wouldn’t normally be able to afford.

Sometimes we have the assumption that because it's got roots, it has to last forever, but sometimes we need to buy a plant just because it brings us immense joy and happiness and this maiden hair was worth every cent.

So tell me what indoor plant would you buy that would bring you immense joy, even if only for a short time?

Side note : Usually when my maiden hairs give up on me inside, I cut them back fertilise them with Organic Link and plant them outside in a shady spot. They sometimes come back. Indoors maiden hairs like to be moist, but not too wet, they hate drafts and need a very well lit area.