Native Shade Tree

Luscious® is a cultivar or Tristaniopsis laurina. It is one of my favourite Australian native shade trees.

Luscious® can grow in a small garden, provide some shade and allow your children to still play around it.

Tristaniopsis laurina Photo: Brian Walters from Australian Native Plant Society

Tristaniopsis laurina
Photo: Brian Walters from Australian Native Plant Society

Just imagine a tree

  • no higher than 5-8m high and around 3-5m wide

  • bird and bee attracting

  • has scented flowers

  • Evergreen

  • lush deep green leaves that are long and leathery

  • brilliant red new growth to add a bit of colour

Sounds pretty perfect, right?

Well I just described Luscious®.

We have one of these growing at Trevallan and while all these things I’ve mentioned are great and perfect selling points it’s the bark that takes my breath away. It’s roughly textured and is cream coloured with variations in it. It’s a true feature in itself.

This tree can also handle full sun to part shade and all types of soil. It can handle the heat, humidity and once established can handle the cold and dry.

I would care for this tree like I care for all my other plants. About four times a year I throw some Organic Link around the base and I try to liquid fertilise with Triple Boost every fortnight.

Luscious® is a cultivar or Tristaniopsis laurina and is an absolutely stunning native and one that for some reason is constantly overlooked but not anymore!

Please enjoy this exciting video telling you about amazing this tree is.