Little Dream Collection

When you support us, a small local business, you are also supporting other small local businesses.

Keeping dreams alive.

Little Dream Collection Earrings

Little Dream Collection Earrings

We have been stocking “Little Dream Collection” for a few years now.

Little Dream Collection is a small local business run by the amazing Kerry.

I first met Kerry around the time I was born (Kerry is my cousin!) but due to life didn’t really meet again until recently.

One day she came into the shop wearing these awesome earrings and I had to ask her where she got them from.

She quietly replied “I made them!”

I got all excited and exclaimed “oh my, you have to bring them in so we can sell them, they are awesome!”

And that my friends was how this beautiful relationship was formed.

Since then Kerry’s business has sky rocketed and she has her wares in many shops around Australia and is also flat out doing custom pieces.

Kerry specialises in Laser cutting and engraving. She makes her own designs including earrings, decor and gifts

Kerry comes in about once a month with new stock and the best thing is it’s always changing. She always has new designs, new colours, new ideas. It’s always evolving.

Herb Labels that will last outside

Herb Labels that will last outside

Her Earrings and Outdoor Proof Herb Labels are a constant here at Trevallan but the designs and colours are constantly changing. It seems sometimes no two pieces are alike. Kerry’s Earring Range sell so quickly I sometimes don’t get a chance to upload them. If you are ever after one of her pieces shoot me a message and I can organise an online showing.

I adore Kerry’s range and just love supporting her dreams.

Thank you for supporting local small business.