Beaded Chandeliers and Gourds

Sharon walked into the shop one day, jeans, boots and work shirt. She looked like she’d rode into town on her horse. I soon found out she’d been out working her horses all that morning. She tentatively asked if I’d like to see some of her work, she described them as hanging ornaments…. what she showed me blew me away.

Beaded Chandeliers was a more adapt description. Made from recycled necklaces and special beads. Each piece handmade and designed even the wrought iron holders were made by Sharon’s friend especially for her chandeliers.

These Chandeliers are so hard to photographer so I can’t ever really show you the true beauty of them but here is a little video of them … I have mine situated near a lamp and at night I love watching the shadows play on my walls.

Sharon has also recently began to grow Gourds and turn the into Art. Gourds are relatives of pumpkins and squash. There are edible types of gourd and Ornamental gourds. Gourds have had numerous uses throughout history, including tools, musical instruments, objects of art, film, and food.

I love how a simple vegetable can be turned into a work of art.