Silica and Potash 500ml

Plant of Health Silica 500mL.JPG
Plant of Health Silica 500mL.JPG

Silica and Potash 500ml


Silica & Potash are essential for strong healthy blooms and this super concentrated form is the easy way to maintain luxury levels.

Foliar Feed
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Silica with Potash Liquid SUPER Concentrate SILICA with the benefits of POTASH

Silica is another word for Silicon and, in plants, it is very important yet it is rarely spoken about when we talk about a plants health and fertilisers.

Recent experiments show that plants deprived of Silica are structurally weaker, more prone to pest and disease attack, and are more susceptible to heavy metal and salt toxicities among other things.

Silica, in rocks, commonly occurs as the mineral quartz and in the soil it exists in 3 forms: reactive, colloidal & suspended particles (ie sand)

Reactive Silica dissolves in water to form silicic acids which are the forms in which Silica is taken up by plants.

Once Silica is incorporated into a cell of a plant it is immobile and cannot be redistributed around the plant, therefore if all tissues are to benefit from its presence, it needs to be in constant supply.

Furthermore having ample silica available assists the plant in the uptake of nitrogen, potassium, zinc, magnesium and other elements.

This Silica Foliar spray contains the highest amount of plant available silica mined in Australia couple with the added benefits of Potassium.

Regular use of Silica Foliar Spray ensures a constant supply to all your plants and vegies and should be used in addition to your usual fertilising programs.


Easy, convenient application, fast uptake

Improves Growth, Flowering, Fruit count

Improves leaf presentation, colour and shelf life

Raises Brix levels. A high Brix value indicates a good taste and quality of your crop. The taste of your end products will be sweeter when the Brix value is high. A crop with a high Brix value can also be preserved longer. Additionally, plants with a high Brix value are more resistant to insect attacks.

Makes plants physically tougher – tough plants are more resistant to pest and fungal attack

Reduced transplant and wilting loss

Reduced frost and heat damage

Reduced damage from soil toxins and salinity


Shake or stir well before use

Minimum Dilution 1: 200. 5ml per 1L of water

Silica and Potash is a liquid that you mix with water and water over plants foliage or soil before planting. It can be used in the Birchy (Setting 0.5)